Purchase an alpaca
from our farm at

Alpacas are fascinating creatures that have been domesticated for thousands of years. These gentle animals are known for their luxurious fleece, which is highly sought after for its softness and warmth.
Here's some of why we work with Alpacas...
1. Profitability
One of the main reasons why people choose to raise alpacas is their potential for profitability. Alpaca fleece is a valuable commodity, with prices ranging from $3 to $10 per ounce. With proper care and breeding, a single alpaca can produce several pounds of fleece each year, which can be sold to textile manufacturers or used to create high-quality products such as socks, scarves, and sweaters. Additionally, alpacas can be bred for their offspring, which can be sold as pets or breeding stock.
2. Low Maintenance
Compared to other livestock, alpacas require minimal maintenance. They have a gentle disposition and are easy to handle, making them suitable for both experienced farmers and beginners. Alpacas are hardy animals that can adapt to various climates and are resistant to many common diseases. They have a natural aversion to predators and can be trained to use a designated area for waste, making cleanup a breeze.
3. Eco-Friendly
Alpacas are environmentally friendly animals. They have a soft impact on the land and do not damage pastures like other livestock. Alpacas have padded feet, which minimize soil compaction and erosion. Additionally, alpacas have a unique digestive system that allows them to efficiently convert grass and hay into energy, reducing the need for large amounts of feed. This makes them a sustainable choice for farmers who are conscious of their environmental impact.
4. Therapeutic Value
Alpacas have a calming and therapeutic effect on humans. Their gentle nature and soft fleece make them ideal companions for individuals with special needs or those seeking emotional support. Many therapy programs and facilities use alpacas to provide comfort and companionship to people of all ages. The presence of alpacas can reduce stress, improve mood, and promote a sense of well-being.
5. Educational Opportunities
Raising alpacas can be a great educational experience for both children and adults. Alpacas are fascinating animals with unique characteristics and behaviors. By caring for alpacas, individuals can learn about animal husbandry, fiber arts, and the importance of sustainable agriculture. Many alpaca farms offer educational programs and farm tours, allowing visitors to get up close and personal with these amazing creatures.
In conclusion, raising alpacas as livestock offers numerous benefits, from profitability and low maintenance to eco-friendliness and therapeutic value. Whether you are a seasoned farmer or someone looking for a new and rewarding venture, consider adding alpacas to your farm. Their gentle nature, luxurious fleece, and unique qualities make them a valuable addition to any agricultural operation.
Purchase one of our Alpacas on OpenHeard.com.